Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Top 5 Things to Do in Fighting Cardiomyopathy

Improving length of life is a victory, and one can be successful in fighting cardiomyopathy. Read on to know more about the disease, how one can slow the rate of decline, tips on lifestyle change that can provide improvement of the symptoms and the alternative treatments available now for the said disease.

1.     Watch your weight
·         Diet is necessary. You have to lose weight or maintain the weight that you already have depending you what your doctor recommends.
·         You need to keep close record of what you are losing and nothing too much too soon.
·         It is a known fact that diabetes can speed up the decline and can cause complications for a patient diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Hence, prevention is better than cure for diabetes.
·         Vegetables or its alternatives should be your new best friend.

2.     Take a walk
·       Your heart will be going through rehabilitation. Start by walking a good distance and take it slow.
·         This exercise is see how much walking is good for your heart, just enough to get the blood pumping and getting you a steady heart rate.
·         It has to be taken in stride, walking should be a relaxation and not a task you have to do every day.
·    Focus on the benefits and psyche yourself that doing it regularly will make you better and improve your condition, even if partial and gradual.
·   Slowly you will notice improvement in your heart rhythm and the increase of distance covered.

3.     Invest in a good juicer, fasting is necessary
·        It is recommended to do vegetable juice fasting for one week on and one week rest.
·      Consult your physician how much weight you need to maintain or lose. You wouldn’t want to lose too much.

4.     Take Linolenic acid
·      This will supply special nutrients that the heart would need in specific fatty acids and linolenic acids.
·     Linolenic acid is found in leafy green veggies, fish and flaxseed oil or other oils in general.
·        Good news is that Lecithin has both.
·     Try to work up to a gradual amount of intake like trying 3- 5 teaspoons of lecithin granules per day. Mix some juice or yogurt and down it quickly and follow with something to eat. Expect an unusual taste.

5.     Take vitamins and your prescribed drugs regularly
·  Below are the following recommended vitamins for people diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.
·        Some are non-prescription nutritional supplements which proved to be effective in improving or eliminating certain symptoms of the disease.

Vitamin E (natural d-alpha tocopherol or mixed natural tocopherols)
·         “E” helps the heart do more work on less fuel and oxygen.
·    “E” helps increase the amount of blood pumped per beat or your heart’s stroke volume. It is essential to have regular hearbeats, the stronger the better.
Vitamin C
·      Being Vitamin C deficient can result to muscle and connective tissue damage. Vitamin C is necessary for healthy connective tissue.

Magnesium and Calcium
·         Oratates, citrates or aparates help for better absorption
·         In a study done be the late Dr. Hans Neiper, one of Europe’s best cardiologists,it is stated to double to the recommended RDA to increase the availability if minerals in the body called “mineral transporters”.

Take Coenzyme Q-10
·    Studies show that the heart muscle benefits from coQ10 supplementation, established improvements in cases of congestive heart disease and even cardiomyopathy.
·    CoQ10 is vital to muscle cells, involved with cellular energy production, growth control and other life functions.
·     The recommended 100 and 400 milligrams a day and a person with cardiomyopathy may have bigger requirements like taking 300- 600 mg. It would be best to consult your cardiologist to create an action plan for your condition.

Take your prescribed drugs
·         Taking your prescription regularly and on time is a must.
·         Avoid cutting the recommended dosage or prolonging the medication.
·    Taking some medicine doesn't equate to the effect of taking all your prescribed medicine.
·         There is a reason why it was given all in one prescription.
·         Mostly some of it will not work without the others.

This article was researched for the purpose of giving the alternative now available in the market and has no intention of recommending any brand nor should it be used to take the place of prescription given be a certified cardiologist. It is better to always consult your doctor. Knowledge is power and trust that the world has put a lot of brain into providing better alternative medicine and treatments for the common good of all mankind.

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