Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yoga as a Possible Solution for Atrial Fibrillation – Research Says

As comparable as the benefits that the acupuncture in Miami FL can bring to those who wanted to be all-is-well, another form of wellness called ‘yoga’ can be of an alternative to the first.

A mini-study that has been initiated uncovered an additional truth that yoga can lessen the attacks of dizziness and abruptness of breathe especially to those patients who have atrial fibrillation. According to a cardiologist in Miami, atrial fibrillation is most popularly inclined with cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal heart beat in simplest term. This heart condition ascends when the upper chamber of the heart spasms uncontrollably making these chambers to contract. Atrial fibrillation is known to have silent symptoms nonetheless most likely related with palpitations, fainting, chest pain or even congestive heart failure and the worst, stroke. On the other hand, this ailment is sometimes triggered by idiopathic or benign disorders to some people.

It is best that people having this heart rhythm problem should be encouraged to do even a gentle yoga session sequentially to lower the symptoms of the ailment and prevent it to get even worst – the mini-study recommends. The study was released on the website of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology on the 30th of January. The aforementioned college is the ones who initially investigate on the positive results of yoga especially for people with atrial fibrillation.  Conclusions of the said study are really guaranteeing yet engaging at the first place but more studies should be undertaken.

Normally, atrial fibrillation can be treated with drugs that help in controlling the rhythm and rate of the heart along with aspirin that averts blood clots. On the contrary, those aids are frequently not enough to totally avoid the symptoms. As per Dr. Dhanunjaya Lakkireddym, the head researcher of the said study insists the possibility of yoga as an effective treatment for the ailment and can do good effects on the lowering of blood pressure, the heart rate and the entire nervous system too. Lakkireddy added that yoga is not necessarily a substitute for medication, meaning, the patient will still need to take the proper prescriptions (medicines) and adhere to the doctor’s advice.

Their team let the patients to stick with their typical activities for the first quarter of the study. On the second quarter, their team lets their patients to engaged in a 60-minute yoga sessions with the help of a yoga expert for at least twice a week. The consequence hereafter is indeed showed a positive feedback, but the researchers do not suggest the said method to those people who have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (especially those who acquired the persistent and the permanent atrial fibrillation type) because it may cause major damage. Yoga sessions are not applicable to those people who have this type of heart ailment.

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